Follow-up 1.1

Over the weekend, while I was driving around Eastern Pennsylvania looking for a new place for my family to live (they’re tearing our current home down this summer to make way for “luxury hi-rise apartments” now that the new Metro Spur is about to open…le sigh…), two very important comments came in to this site. Now that I’m home and settling back in, I wanted to highlight the comments for you in case you missed them.

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Follow-up: 1.2—Word Is Spreading!

While a compilation of research behind the many attention-related benefits of knitting, doodling, and crafting are only here (and with the handful of people who, like me, speak on this topic), there’s been a recent uptick in the seriousness with which crafting as a health benefit is being treated.

Earlier in March 2014, Craftsy released a webinar on the topic and yesterday CNN released this goodie!

It’s good to know that other places are starting to talk about the myriad benefits we already knew we were getting from doing what we do. It’s always good to have more evidence to reference when we want to knit or doodle in a meeting.

A good day for doodlers (and knitters, and crocheters…), all around.

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Follow-up 1.3: New Zealand Has it Right!

A list of links on sanctioned knitting! Many thanks to the multiple readers who sent these in over the last year or so:

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Follow-up 1.4: New Research Reinforces Mind-Wandering/Mindfulness Implications

An op-ed in today’s New York Times struck my husband as important to the world of Cognitive Anchoring. I agreed, and so I pass this on to you: Think Less, Think Better.

Your thoughts?

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